Meet the Founder: Destiny Hargrove

My name is Destiny Hargrove and i am the founder of “Destiny’s Puffs and Stuff”. Our small family Christmas party would include an easy snack I would prepare during Christmas time. It’s basically gourmet popcorn but with a twist; its Puffcorn! Everyone loved it and bragged about how addicting it was so they decided to pay me to make it for them even outside of the holiday season. With orders coming in and to stay as organized as possible, I eventually had to go in “full business mode”. My father and I created the name, “Destiny’s Puff’s and Stuff” and the rest is history. Although my delicious product is a tasty, fun snack, it's more than that to me. This is an outlet for my artistic skills, as well as a way for me to strengthen my educational confidence. At an early age my parents knew that I learned a little differently than other children my age. I found it hard to focus and understand, even on what other people consider simple tasks. While other kids were learning two plus two equals four, I was more interested in turning the two’s into doodles lost in their own story on my paper. After My parents sought medical advice, I was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Knowing my struggles in education came from a medical issue, I went through my formative education years struggling with self-confidence. That finally changed when Destiny’s Puff’s and Stuff came along. It is my way of sharing a piece of me with the world. My puffcorn has taken me to places I've never imagined. From street vending at local festivals all the way to Superbowl 57, this young african american woman with ADHD provides hope that any obstacle can be overcome with more support, more hope, and more love.